Powerful Cleaner Blasts Away Dirt and Grease
For heavy-duty cleaning, turn to Allbrite Blast II to cut away tough grease stains. This powerful caustic degreaser quickly cleans up grease and other dirt on cars and trucks. Allbrite Blast II’s concentrated formula is economical to use and great for cleaning large surfaces such as shop and concrete floors. Due to the quantity of caustic in Allbrite Blast II, it is not recommended for use on painted surfaces without proper dilution; Allbrite Blast II is the best choice to get rid of heavy grime and resistant grease stains that won’t respond to other cleaners. Allbrite Blast II is great for really dirty engine wheels. Be careful using Allbrite Blast II on metal surfaces due to caustic contents.
• Contains caustic
• Use caution on aluminum and hot surfaces
• Solution has a pH of 14
• Made in the USA