Quick Snip Trimmer Lubricant is ideal for use on snips, shears, and automated trimmers, anywhere a sterile, food grade lubricant belongs. Safe for use with live plants, your cuttings will benefit from a sterile blade surface that reduces the risk of infection and shock. Quick Snip's advanced action works in two ways... it contains a food grade lubricant and a sterilizer, which dissipates rapidly, leaving the food grade lubricant behind. The lubricant fills the microporous surface of your cutting blades which creates a smoother, sharper, cleaner cutting action, reducing the buildup of plant waxes, which makes cleanup easier and less frequent! Quick Snip also protects your cutting equipment from corrosion while not in use! Trimming and cleanup time are greatly reduced, so save time and money with Quick Snip Trimmer Lubricant!